Christmas in Cottleville

Christmas in Cottleville

Friday, April 15, 2011


  There are a pair of mallards that live across the street at the neighbor's pond - for now.  This morning they came right up to the porch and were looking at our house.  I'm trying to entice them to come and visit more often by throwing bread crumbs out the front door and then watching from the window.  So far I'm just scaring them (or maybe it's Maggie in the yard scaring them - I guess I didn't realize she was outside).  
     There are geese everywhere - even swimming on our yard when it was flooded.  They are not afraid of us (we're a little afraid of them though - they can be aggressive).  As it's warming up we seem to have fewer and fewer of them.

taken about 3 weeks ago
     In one of the trees there is a pair of cardinals.  They like to hang out in the oak tree by the dining room window.  So typical of St Louis -'d think it was Husker football or something.
    On occasion, there has been a large crane hanging out at the pond, however he's a bit camera shy -  whenever I run to get my camera he flies away.   His wingspan must be about 6 feet and he's a light gray or white color.  Also in the pond is a beaver or an otter or something that swims into a hole in the bank of the pond.  We've only seen him a couple of times - he seems to come out if it's raining or overcast.

     Brennan discovered a bird in a nest on the old owner's aerial antenna under the deck - her name is Mr. Bird.

Creek and "Orchard"
     Now in the back yard there must live something a little more ominous.  One day we found a headless rabbit laying in the grass - the next day the body was gone................not sure what that is.  Yesterday morning when I looked out Brennan's window I saw a large house cat (?) or something else.  It was black and lurking around by the creek near the horses.  I'm not sure what that has to do with the rabbit but...........

     Here's the latest pictures of  "the ugly tree" - it's getting green leaves on it and the helicopters are growing.  It got a pruning yesterday so we can at least mow under it now.  I'm still waiting (and hoping) for an incredible transformation.................

We have these cute little wild flowers in the field - a few of these and thousands of dandelions.

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