Christmas in Cottleville

Christmas in Cottleville

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Our Bloomin' Saturday

the ugly tree?
Jim is still in England.....and we are having a nice, quiet Saturday.  I took my camera and my coffee outside to take a couple of pictures and ended up walking all over in my bare feet.  Last Sunday we had snow and today our high is 75!?!  The Bradford Pear trees are in full bloom, the Forsythia are still going strong (this is their 3rd week)  the Magnolia (of some sort?) is blooming, the daffodils still look good and the crab apples are starting.  And then there is the mystery tree - it's really ugly and it has been this way for a while - if anyone knows what it is and if it will look better soon please let me know.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Does the ugly tree have leaves now? Susan is going to show the picture to Peter to see if he can identify it.