Christmas in Cottleville

Christmas in Cottleville

Monday, April 11, 2011

1 Month ?!?

Last Friday marked 1 month since we closed on our house here in Missouri. Sometimes it feels like yesterday and sometimes it seems much longer.  Cassidy really loves here new school - she's at Christian High School and her sophomore class has about 65 students.  By the 2nd day she had joined show choir and is really looking forward to color guard and jazz band next year.  Karryn loves her gymnastics here.  They placed her in level 4 (she was in level 3 in Papillion).  The first night she didn't want to tell the coach that she didn't know how to do certain things so............she did a handstand twist dismount off the beam for the first time, she vaulted on a real vault for the first time, and she went from the low bar to the high bar for the first time.  Brennan just wants to go exploring in the back yard - he usually takes a stick along and ends up very muddy.  My favorite thing is having dinner on the deck - we've had such good weather that about half of our dinners have been out there. 

Bren has been looking for a good exclamation - he had slipped into the OMG and we worked to break that little habit.  He tried out a few like "Oh my peanut butter!" which was fun for a time but now he's looking for something new.  The other night in the car he tried out a new one, "Oh my nuts!".  We were a little surprised and I was trying to explain to him that that probably wasn't a good thing to say (while Jim was trying to control his laughter).  Bren seemed to understand my point of view and said, "Oh yeah, that's just for squirrels".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love your posts! Keep them up.