Christmas in Cottleville

Christmas in Cottleville

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Lake - FINALLY

 At the back of our property is a very over-grown fenceline, and on the other side is a lake (or large pond).  When we moved in there weren't any leaves on the trees so we could see the lake - now it's an overgrown mess and we can't see it any more - at least we couldn't - until Jim's sister came to visit.  Linda, Jim and I worked for a few hours on Memorial Day and cleared about 50 feet of fenceline (or falling down fenceline).  Thanks, Lin.

The only problem with this little project is that we now have a very large burn pile (or as Brennan calls it, a bunny hotel)................this includes about 3 large dead trees and lots of little trees and brush. 
It's pretty much just a drop in the bucket, but it's so nice to drive up to the house and see that clearing.

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