Christmas in Cottleville

Christmas in Cottleville

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Another Project......

Jim and I often seem to utilize the "while we're at it" clause of home remodeling.  So rather than finishing the stairs and stairway, we (Jim) tore out the front closet while we were at it.   Instead of having an entryway the size of a typical public bathroom stall (and that's not the handicapped accessible stall) we now have a semi-generous sized entryway.  The extra 28" really made a difference - I don't think we'll feel like we have to move through the entryway single file anymore.  So we're off to Lowe's for another load of supplies - while we're at it, I'm sure we'll find more things we need.  It's supposed to rain all weekend again so it seems to be a good time to finish the stairway and entry.

Entry - before

Entry - during

 And all the while we're pounding around on our house our baby goslings are growing......................

Sometimes there are as many as 3 or 4 families (would that be gaggles or are the 4 families together one big gaggle?) at the pond across the street or in the pasture next door.  Some of the families are pretty big and then there are some pairs walking around goslingless - do they have goose daycare? 

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